
Vaccinations have not been proven safe, nor effective in preventing disease. To the contrary, vaccines have been shown to be quite dangerous to health, causing severe brain damage and death, among many other significant injuries.

Vaccinations are currently a highly controversial subject in healthcare, with strong divisions between conventional and holistic medicine practitioners. It is important to be an informed consumer and to make an educated decision on this medical procedure. Be sure and research extensively, not just reading the informational pamphlets distributed by the makers of the vaccines. Check the resources listed on my health resources page for vaccinations. These are some top websites to check for more information: National Vaccine Information CenterLearn the Risk,  and Vac Truth, and Childrens Health Defense

Whether to vaccinate or not is your personal healthcare decision and only you have the right to make it. Your child depends on you to make an informed decision regarding his/her health.

The following is a link to my interview on vaccinations with radio host, vaccine lawyer Alan Phillips:

What follows are links to all published articles on vaccines. You may also click on the pop up tabs underneath the main page to access some of the articles.

Specific Vaccination Dangers

Does the MMR Vaccine Cause Autism

You Decide: The Risks and Benefits of the MMR Vaccination

Is it Time for Your Flu Shot or Extra Nutrition?

10 Lessons of the Recent Flu Season

Why New Crohn’s Disease Vaccine is a Mistake

The Insanity of the Hepatitis B Vaccination

Why the Chicken Pox Vaccine Makes NO Sense

What You Need to Know to Protect Your Daughter from the Gardasil Vaccine Disaster

HPV and Hepatitis B Vaccines Do Not Prevent Cervical Cancer and Liver Disease

The Vaccination that Never Should Have Been Approved

This “Free” Vaccine Can Cause Brain Damage and Death–Propaganda from Authorities Promises Protection

Childhood Vaccinations Link to Diseases

The Autism Epidemic and How to Stop It

Does the MMR Vaccine Cause Autism

The True Causes of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

This “free” Vaccine can cause Brain Damage or Death-Propaganda from Authorities Promises Protection

How Do US Vaccine Rates, Policies and Children’s Health Compare to Other Countries

Politics and Vaccines

Anti-vaccinators and their Brave Fight Since the Smallpox Vaccines

How Healthcare Was Bought Out, Resulting in Today’s Focus on Pharmaceuticals and Vaccinations

The Dangerous Expansion of Adult Vaccinations

The Great Medical Myth of Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness

Why Most Medical Doctors Blindly Recommend Vaccinations

Aggressive Hospital Vaccine Policies: Get Vaccinated or Lose Your Job!

Is Bill Gates a Humanitarian, Villain or Misguided Man?

The Failed MMR Vaccine on College Campuses

Why You Can’t Find Safe Vaccines

Why the Documentary Vaxxed is So Controversial and Important to Support

Dr. Andrew Wakefield: Hero or Quack?

How Aggressive are Your Student’s College Vaccination Policies?

How Do US Vaccine Rates, Policies and Children’s Health Compare to Other Countries

The Big Divide: Why Chiropractors Oppose Vaccinations While Medical Doctors Embrace Them

Vaccine History

Anti-vaccinators and their Brave Fight Since the Smallpox Vaccines

How Healthcare Was Bought Out, Resulting in Today’s Focus on Pharmaceuticals and Vaccinations

The Great Medical Myth of Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness

Why Most Medical Doctors Blindly Recommend Vaccinations

 Reasons Not to Vaccinate

10 Reasons NOT to Vaccinate

More Evidence Proves Nutrition Beats Vaccines in Preventing Disease

This is Why You Should NOT Follow Your Doctor’s Advice to Vaccinate

How Does Vaccinated Children’s Health Compare to Unvaccinated Children

My Children are Vaccine Damaged; Are Yours?

The Perfect Storm: Vaccinations and Modern Malnutrition

The Great Medical Myth of Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness

 Do You Believe More Vaccines or Better Nutrition Prevent Disease

More Vaccines or Better Nutrition to Prevent Disease

How Do US Vaccine Rates, Policies and Children’s Health Compare to Other Countries

Self Care and Advocacy

8 Ways to Safely Take Charge of your Health While Avoiding Toxic Vaccines

More Evidence Proves Nutrition Beats Vaccines in Preventing Disease

How to Find a Physician to Support Your Vaccine Choice

How to Protect Yourself if You Are Force-Vaccinated

 It TIme for your Flu Shot or Extra Nutrition

Do You Believe More Vaccines or Better Nutrition Prevent Disease?

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