Web Resources

Sources for Alternative Healthcare:

How to Find a Physician to Support Your Vaccine Choice has an updated list (June 2016) of resources to help locate a physician to support parent’s vaccine choices and right not to vaccinate.

ACAM, American College for Advancement in Medicine; www.acamnet.org; 1-800-532-3688Summer 2014 342

The Institute for Functional Medicine; http://www.functionalmedicine.org/

ICIM, International College of Integrative Medicine; www.icimed.com

IAOMT, The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology; www.iaomt.org; 1-863-420-6373  (to locate biological or holistic dentist)

www.vaccinationcouncil.org/providers.pdf resource to locate doctor who will support no vaccine choice

www.lowdosenaltrexone.org; Resource for information on low dose naltrexone, an immune booster, as an alternative treatment for “autoimmune disorders” , cancer and other illnesses

American Institute for Homeopathy, 801 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 306, Alexandria, VA, 22314-1757, 1-703-246-9501, www.homeoathyusa.org, journal: Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy (has listing of homeopathic practitioners by state and city with their training)

The National Center for Homeopathy, Alexandria, VA, 1-703-548-7790, www.homeopathic.org, Journal: Homeopathy Today

www.homeopathyworks.net, consultation with Joette Calabrese, classical homeopathic consultant/educator

www.healthyhomeopathy.com  website for Drs. Ullman, available for phone consults for homeopathic remedies

http://iptforcancer.com : Link to locate physicians who use targeted chemotherapy to diseased cells

http://www.cancercontrolsociety.com/forms/green/green.pdf; Cancer Control Society’s list of alternative cancer clinics

http://www.americanaci.org/cancer-coaches.html: Cancer coaches who can guide individuals to best cancer treatments for their conditions

http://www.americanaci.org/alternative-clinics.html: American Anti-Cancer Institute’s list of alternative cancer clinics:

http://www.mexicancancerclinics.com/: Information on natural cancer clinics in Mexico, near San Diego

Dietary Information

Weston Price Foundation: informative free website of the Weston A. Price Foundation, journals available for subscribers, along with annual buying guides for healthy brands, sources of food.  Informative food brochures available covering topics of butter and real raw milk benefits,  soy dangers, cholesterol myths and such.

www.ppnf.org ; the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation,  informative quarterly journals images (33)available for subscribers.  Excellent website

http://www.reallyeatright.org/: New website created by “Really Eat Right” group of dietitians and nutritional practitioners who have formed group to provide accurate dietary recommendations, distinct from the biased and unhealthy recommendations made by the former ADA (American Dietetic  Association) organization

http://www.cholesterol-and-health.com Excellent website on cholesterol facts

www.thincs.org: the International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics, 80+ physicians and scientists around the world who question the cholesterol theory, includes list of recommended books

www.ravnskov.nu/cholesterol.htm (website on cholesterol)

Sources for “Healthy” foods and Recipes

www.kolfoods.com; a source of kosher grass fed meat shipped anywhere in the U.S.

www.growandbehold.com: a source for kosher grass fed meat shipped across U.S.

http://www.radiantlifecatalog.com/category/nutrient-dense-foods: Radiant Life nutrient dense foods and cod liver oil

http://www.wildernessfamilynaturals.com/; Wilderness Family Naturals, excellent salad dressings, condiments, soaked nuts and certified, safe raw cacao

www.josheweasgarden.com; source for soaked and sprouted organic nuts, flours and butters, according to Weston Price tradition; good recipes also

www.realmilk.com; for local sources and information about health benefits of raw milk; some farmers also provide pastured eggs and meat

Fall 2014 070www.honeyville.com ; great source for reasonably priced and fresh blanched almond flour, good for baking

http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/: Excellent website/blog with healthy recipes and social action and news related to food and health freedoms

www.cheeseslave.com: great blog with recipes that follow Weston Price food guidelines

http://www.realfoodkosher.com/ Kosher food blogger with recipes that are both kosher and nutrient dense

www.kellythekitchenkop.com: excellent blog following WP dietary principles

www.nourishedkitchen.com: information focused on how to ferment foods and eat according to Weston A. Price guidelines

Shopping Guide  (detailed, excellent compact guide easily fits in purse or pocket with brand names to find real, safe, whole foods available at grocery stores or online;available for small donation at Weston A. Price foundation; quite useful when starting dietary changes, updated annually)

Free Health Websites and E-newsletters for Latest Alternative Health Information (free unless noted)

www.preventionandhealing.com; website for Dr. Simon Yu, MD

www.toothandbodyconnection.com ; website for Dr. Michael Rheme, DDS

www.mercola.com : website for Dr. Joseph Mercola, DO,    physician  and leading health care advocate who has dedicated his practice outside of Chicago, IL to alternative medicine and education on important health issues: a leading holistic health e-newsletter with 1.5 million readers

Natural News; updates with leading alternative health care news, by health ranger, Mike Adams, editor. This website has an international readership and millions of readers.

www.RussellBlaylockMD.com : source for monthly e-newsletters by renowned neurosurgeon, author and lecturer with latest, unbiased health information including neurological damage caused by vaccines and artificial sweeteners ($48 for one year online subscription)

www.extraordinaryhealth.com; health information by Jordan Rubin, author and founder of Garden of Life supplements

www.anh-usa.org the Alliance for Natural Health, an advocacy group providing updates on health freedom issues and action alerts for concerned citizens

Information on Vaccines

www.nvic.org National Vaccination Information Council includes NVIC Memorial for Vaccine Victims and Vaccine Freedom Wall, as well as tremendous information on current state laws regarding vaccines and their safety record, email updates available


www.vaccinationcouncil.org ;   International Medical Council on Vaccinations; excellent articles and information from large group of MD’s,  PhD researchers and other health care professionals that have independently researched vaccines.  This group has determined that vaccines are dangerous to health and should be avoided

Special report by the International Medical Council on Vaccinations: http://www.naturalnews.com/SpecialReports/VaccinesFullStory/v1/VaccineReport-EN.pdf

Vac Truth: website began by father of vaccine damaged child; excellent updated information and advocacy options; contains downloadable list of 108 books on vaccine dangers, along with list of contaminants contained in vaccines


www.vaxtruth.org , group formed in 2011 to educate others on vaccine risks, damage and rights not to vaccinate

www.Sanevax.org ; Provides information on Garadasil dangers with latest statistics on those injured, along with other important vaccine information

http://truthaboutgardasil.org the Truth about Gardasil


Natural News

Information on Cancer

American Anti-cancer Institute: http://www.americanaci.org/

www.cancertutor.com   website with information on alternative cancer cures and diets

www.outsmartyourcancer.com updates on natural cancer cures

www.grassrootshealth.net  A not for profit organization sponsoring a five year Breast Cancer Prevention Study with focus on prevention by maintaining a targeted Vitamin D serum level in the bloodstream




See sources for alternative healthcare for additional resources for cancer treatments

Information on SSRI antidepressant Dangers

www.ssristories.com; collection of 4800+ news stores of violence that mention the connection with SSRI drugs; more than 100 categories exist including school violence, murder suicides, school shootings, road rage and soldiers

www.rxisk.org; excellent website began in 2012 by physicians to provide information by consumers of negative and dangerous side effects of antidepressants

Safe Food and Personal Care Products Guideslaketahoe

www.cosmeticdatabase.com , sponsored by EWG and focuses on safety of personal care products

www.foodnews.org, sponsored by EWG and focuses on safe and toxic food, use of pesticides

www.nongmoshoppingguide.com , sponsored by Responsible Technology to provide guidelines on how to avoid genetically modified foods

www.cornucopia.org website for the Cornucopia Institute, watchdog for organic foods to maintain integrity of the organic label often misused by corrupt corporations,

www.truthaboutsplenda.com Important informational website on the dangers of splenda

www.truthinlabeling.org Informational website on the dangers of MSG and hidden sources in our food supply, developed by Jack Samuels

http://www.responsibletechnology.org/ Institute for Responsible Technology, Headed by Jeffrey Smith to educate the public about GMO foods

www.seedsofdeception: informational website on fight against GMO’s and Monsanto

www.ewg.org  environmental working group, has updates on environmental toxins and food/product safety

http://www.ewg.org/foodnews/summary.php Updated guide on clean and dirty vegetables and fruits based on independent evaluation of pesticide use; can download and use when shopping to know what to buy organic and what can buy as conventional

www.reallyeatright.org , began by new association of holistic oriented dietitians and nutritionists

http://rawmilkinstitute.net/ new organization working to provide standards , guidelines for safety and support for producers of raw milk

Recommended personal products that are clean/rated high on EWG Guide

Salon Naturals Shampoo, Conditioner and Lotions;  www.salonnaturalsonline.com

Be Green Bath and Body Skin Products including deodorant, lotions, body wash, colored lip gloss ( they carry my favorite deodorant, that really works and is safe ) 

Soaps: 1) www.countrybubbles.com; 2) Homespun and Hearts: 1-269-646-8603: 3) www.wildernessfamilynature.com  and 4) local health food stores and farmer’s markets are good local sources

www.wildernessfamilynature.com, They have great soaps, lotions, and food sources

Safe Cleaning Products

Baking soda, white vinegar and Seventh Generation Products

EWG Guide

Safe Toothpastes without Fluoride:

Periopaste Natural Toothpaste; www.bioprodental.com

Tom’s of Maine, only those labeled fluoride free

Restaurant Websites to Help Find Healthy Food

garden salad and veggieswww.yelp.com, Type in organic, farm to table, vegetarian, raw food, or ethnic type desired to find good local restaurants in your home town or when travelling

http://www.happycow.net/, guideline for healthy eating out

www.urbanspoon.com, website for finding restaurants

Organic STL Guide and reviews supporting Saint Louis restaurants making an effort to use organic, local ingredients, and valuing eco-friendly practices

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