
Michelle's picture jpg“Holistic Health to Go” is a compilation of health articles and resources. This health website covers the important subjects of holistic nutrition, hidden causes of illness, prevention and natural cures to disease. You will also find articles discussing mental health, GMO’s, food safety and vaccinations.

I am a clinical social worker who is passionate about holistic health and healing. I write for two major, highly respected holistic health websites: Natural News and Vac Truth.

Our family experienced a serious health crisis in 2008, which began my journey into alternative medicine. I quickly realized that conventional medicine did not have the answers for many chronic health conditions and that in fact many standard medicine practices contribute to disease. In the search for healing for our family, I became knowledgeable and passionate about holistic health.

As I became immersed into a new world of holistic healing, nutrition and politics, I quickly felt a strong need to share what I had learned with others, in hopes of preventing suffering and promoting healing. My efforts began with close family and friends. Some were receptive, while other were not. Fortunately, my treasured husband and children embraced our new way of looking at the world and have been my strongest supporters. I began exploring holistic approaches to mental health and incorporated those into my counseling practice for those open and interested.

This website is my latest effort to share what I have learned and continue to learn about holistic healing. Knowledge is power. I believe strongly that an informed decision is important in making one’s nutrition and healthcare choices. There are many paths towards healing. I believe fully in the information that I share, although I am always learning and evolving.   I invite you, my treasured readers to join me in the pursuit of good health, and add to the conversation. This blog is dedicated to the pursuit and joy of health, the one blessing we often take for granted until things go astray.

To learn more about me, my views on health and reasons for starting this website, you may read by first blog here: Welcome to Holistic Health to Go. You may also follow me on facebook by clicking “like “on my facebook page. My postings should show up in your news feed. If you then directly underneath “like” check “get notifications” you will be notified of my new postings.

To good health,



4 thoughts on “About

  1. Bernard Dahilig

    Hello Michelle ~

    I recently read your article on natural news about this topic that i am into: Paleo and Weston Price diets beat the SAD diet for nutritionTuesday, April 15, 2014 by: Michelle GoldsteinTags: Weston Price, Paleo diet, optimal health.

    Now, form what i understand within the context of your article, I whole heartedly agree with you that the WAP & Paleo diets are very similar witrh differences in philosophy & theory. Putting the theory aside, I absolutely agree with you that one must analyze and try both sides to see which of the 2 works best for their needs as you already know that everypne’s metabolism is not like any one else’s.

    I for one have been paleo for close to 2 years now and have been feeling great and have endless energy even when i was in my 20s and 30s. However, i do not consider myself a hardcore Paleo-ist and i also show the bird to hardcore Paleo-philes that adhere to the strict guidelines that one has to ahere to the principles of being a strict Paleo-phile. I myself like to consider myself like Bruce Lee, who steadfastly studied, scrutinized, and took the very best parts of all martial arts, streamlined it to his core principles, made it simple, and made it work for him and to his body’s ability to work with what was ultimately the best for him.

    Now, with info shared through you about the best traits of the WAP diet, i will do my own analysis and see what works well and what doesn’t along side with my paleo lifestyle. Thank you for the article and keep me updated with what you come with. i will subscribe to your newsletter as well.

    1. Michelle Post author

      Bernard, Thank you for your interest in this subject and I am glad that you found this article useful. Best wishes to you in your pursuit of health and finding the best diet and foods that work for you!

  2. Jeff Bantle

    I recently read your article on dental cavitaions. Are there spedific holistic dentists you would recommend to diagnose and treat. I live in North Carolina.


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