Why Detoxing is Important
Recently reading health advocate Suzanne Somer’s best selling book Tox-sick increased my awareness of the critical importance of detoxification on a regular basis. Lack of adequate nutrients along with toxins are the underlying cause of most chronic life threatening diseases, including auto-immune diseases, cancer and heart disease.
With the daily onslaught of toxins, all of us can benefit from some detoxification on a routine basis. Our bodies absorb toxins from our food, water, air and skin. Even those of us who drink purified water and only eat primarily organic foods, inadvertently consume toxins.
The soil has been depleted of important vitamins due to farmers not putting back essential nutrients into our soils. Poisons like Glyphosate, sprayed on huge conventional farms around the country, contaminate organic fields of vegetables, fruit and pasture land. All conventional wheat in the US is now routinely sprayed with Glyphosate, making it important to consume only organic wheat breads. We all breathe the same outdoors air, which is contaminated from as far away as Japan and China. (1)(2)