When Covid shut down the world in 2020 little was known about this virus in terms of its origins, mechanism of spreading or treatment. Soon many front line physicians were confronted with trying to heal very sick patients from this new, novel virus. Physicians fought bravely with the tools and training available to them at the time. However, many mistakes were made including sending patients home without trying to reduce their viral load with early interventions. Lesser known physicians were experiencing success with early aggressive treatments and were privately sought out by colleagues for advice. These treating physicians should have been widely praised and lauded for their saving of lives. Instead, they were often shunned and their success hidden, denied or distorted in various ways.
In China, where the virus originated, physicians experienced some early improvements with the use of IV vitamin C treatments for those hospitalized with Covid. The use of high dosages of IV vitamin C is a successful treatment for serious life threatening viruses and bacteria and is well established with hundreds of research studies. Thomas Levy, MD in his book, Curing the Incurable, details 1200 scientific references proving high dose vitamin C cures countless diseases. The diseases successfully treated include all of those targeted by vaccinations, along with others often considered deadly and incurable. Levy’s main criticism of many vitamin C research studies, which show failure of success, is that too small of a dosage was used. It is a remarkable reference book. It makes sense that high dosages of vitamin C should have been recommended and widely used to help treat Covid.
Dr Vladmir Zelenko was overwhelmed with treating patients at his clinic in NYC, the center of a huge Covid outbreak. In an interview in the Truth over Fear Summit, Dr. Zelenko shared having 300 patients daily instead of his usual 50 and needing to triage the most ill and vulnerable elderly patients to increase their survival rate. He knew that younger patients would likely heal successfully on their own. He used a protocol of hydroxycloroquine, zinc and azithromycin to treat covid patients. Early treatment was critical to decrease the viral load and prevent a cytokine storm, which was contributing to many deaths. The hydroxychloroquine was used to help get the zinc into the body’s cells. The zinc was essential for decreasing the viral load. An analogy is a gun and a bullet, with the hydroxycloroquine being the revolver and the zinc the magic bullet which successfully reduced the covid viral load to manageable levels. Zelenko had a 99% success rate with this protocol.
When the governor of New York outlawed the use of hydroxychloroquine, Zelenko had to come up with a workable substitute and he discovered 2 legal substitutes, quercetin and EGCG. VladmirZelenkomd.com is an excellent informational resource for his protocol for both treatment and prevention of Covid. One can also access Dr. Zelenko for a consultation. Per Dr. Zelenko, no one needs to live in fear of Covid. Dr. Zelenko, while a pro-vaccinator, is not in favor of the covid vaccines, due to their short testing period, since most vaccinations need 10 years to adequately test for safety.
In Michigan, Dr. David Brownstein and his staff, were overwhelmed with COVID patients at his integrative clinic. Brownstein had a successful natural treatment that worked during flu season. He knew that Covid was similar and was hopeful that his protocol would be effective. Indeed, when his staff began seeing very sick Covid patients, they used their treatment protocol which had a 100% success rate. Brownstein used a combination of iodine, vitamins A, D, C, ozone and nebulized hydrogen peroxide and iodine to treat his patients.
The Federal Trade Commission shut down Brownstein’s blog during COVID, advising Dr. Brownstein that he could not continue sharing his successful treatments with others without proper “research”. Months later, after Brownstein successfully published his successful treatment as research in a medical journal, the FTC came back and stated he needed a double blind placebo study. Brownstein obviously could not deny life saving treatments to patients in order to do a double blind placebo study. Brownstein also published his treatment in his excellent book A Holistic Approach to Viruses with actual case studies.
Why were/are these treatments criticized and labeled quackery and failures by some mainstream medicine groups and practitioners? Why were they not used on a wide scale as logic would dictate, if saving lives was the goal? Why were these treatments demonized, suppressed or withheld from mainstream media’s focus? The answers will vary depending on one’s viewpoint and perspective.
The important message I want to relay is that we all have an immune system which fights diseases. We can boost our immunity to all diseases with vitamins, healthy lifestyles and supplementation. Herbs, vitamins, and natural medicine have been used successfully and safely for centuries.
Pharmaceuticals are historically the new kid on the block, but have taken over western medicine with the Flexner report in 1910. The Flexner report followed the huge infusion of money to medical schools by Rockefeller and Carnegie, who both owned patents for pharmaceuticals. This report essentially made it illegal in the U.S. for the many physicians trained in naturopathic and homeopathic medicine to continue practicing medicine. Only physicians trained in pharmaceutical medicine were allowed to treat patients, creating today’s Pharma monopoly on medical practice.
Dr. Zelenko successfully used safe, inexpensive pharmaceuticals in his treatment protocol. Brownstein used natural medicine with incredible outcomes. High dosages of vitamin C could likely also have saved lives from Covid, based on the tremendous research available. We have these three successful treatment options for Covid. I know there are others including the use of Ivermectin.
We do not need to live in fear of COVID. We can trust our immune system. We can boost our health with daily use of vitamins to remain safe. Vitamins D and C are the most essential vitamins, based on the research we have. However, all vitamins are important and can be taken as prevention.
At the first sign of any infection, it is essential to immediately boost one’s vitamin intake to prevent a cytokine storm and reduce the viral load. Zinc and quercetin are known to help with this, along with higher dosages of C, D and A. Zelenko’s website VladmirZelenkomd.com and Brownstein’s book A Holistic Approach to Viruses are great references for more information to make you feel empowered and prepared. My previous article at the following link Best Immune Boosters for Health offers other ways to boost the immune system.
Written by Michelle Goldstein, Holistic Health to Go