The Healing Powers of Low Dose Naltrexone for Multiple Diseases

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALose dose naltrexone, an alternative use of the FDA approved drug naltrexone, has been proven to be a low cost, safe treatment for a wide range of illnesses. Impressive clinical case studies and research support the use of LDN to treat Multiple Sclerosis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Fybromyalgia, cancer and AIDs. The number of diseases successfully treated with LDN has grown substantially in the last several years, to include most neurological and nervous system disorders.  To learn more about this impressive treatment, and whether it may be helpful to you or a family member, read my article published by one of today’s most respected health writers Sarah Pope, also known as The Healthy Home Economist: Using Low Dose Naltrexone for Autoimmune Disease



2 thoughts on “The Healing Powers of Low Dose Naltrexone for Multiple Diseases

  1. Roz

    Thanks to Healthy Home Economist I’ve seen this data as well as your website. My father has Parkinsons (symptomatically not the traditional type most people know). Have you found any data of LDN used in Parkinsons?
    Thank you for sharing your research and knowledge.

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