Pressures to Vaccinate and Why Not To Listen to Your Doctor

From a young age, most of us are taught the importance of vaccinations. If we are ever confronted with facts which challenge this information,  it can feel very uncomfortable. In my article posted yesterday with Vac Truth, I share some of my own feelings and challenges in very gradually changing my views from extremely pro vaccination to anti- vaccination. I also discuss some of the important real life challenges and pressures individuals face in making the vaccination decision. The pressures to vaccinate come from schools, physicians and employers. Helpful resources are provided to find a physician who will support your decision not to vaccinate and also to learn what school exemptions exist in your state.  To learn more click on this link: This is Why You Should Not Blindly Follow Your Doctor’s Advice to Vaccinate


One thought on “Pressures to Vaccinate and Why Not To Listen to Your Doctor

  1. Ana

    As Dr. Leonard Horowitz has said about the pro vaccines, they don’t even know that they are part of a cult.

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