Tag Archives: Vaccine Damage

How Do US Vaccine Rates, Policies and Children’s Health Compare to Other Countries

The United States has higher vaccination rates than any other country. The US also has very high infant mortality rates. American children experience epidemic levels of chronic diseases including autism, attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities, autoimmune disorders, asthma, epilepsy and allergies. [1, 2]

If vaccinations were so effective in improving the health of children, why do the statistics not bear this out? In fact, the opposite has been shown to be true. Increasing vaccination rates are correlated with growth in diseases for our children. Continue reading

You Decide: The Risks and Benefits of the MMR Vaccination

Most of us weigh the risks and benefits of medical procedures prior to obtaining them. We sign an informed consent form with an understanding of the potential harm versus the perceived benefits.

In the case of vaccinations, the great majority of parents obtain vaccinations for their children, influenced by the “sales pitch” and “scare tactics” used by physicians. We are assured that the vaccination is safe and will protect us and our children from the various targeted deadly diseases. If we blindly trust our doctors, as I once had, we readily agree.

It is important that we think critically before agreeing to any vaccination, recognizing that vaccines are indeed medical procedures which carry serious risks of harm, along with only “theoretical” health benefits.

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