Tag Archives: auto immune disorders

The Vaccination that Never Should Have Been Approved

The HPV vaccination has caused tremendous health damage for young women and men worldwide. HPV vaccinations are responsible for debilitating auto-immune disorders, paralysis, cervical cancer, infertility, and death. [1]

Since Gardasil came on the market in 2006, over 450 deaths and 61,000 serious health injuries caused by the vaccination have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). [2]

More recent research has linked the HPV vaccination with growing polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), infertility and miscarriages in young women. [3-5]

In addition to the mounting evidence of the HPV vaccination’s destruction to our young people’s health, other disturbing findings and trends have recently surfaced. In the HPV’s vaccination safety testing, it has been highlighted that the vaccination contains untested high levels of neurotoxic aluminum, never before used in a vaccine. The safety testing of the HPV vaccination resulted in half of those tested experiencing significant disability and death. Continue reading

How Do US Vaccine Rates, Policies and Children’s Health Compare to Other Countries

The United States has higher vaccination rates than any other country. The US also has very high infant mortality rates. American children experience epidemic levels of chronic diseases including autism, attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities, autoimmune disorders, asthma, epilepsy and allergies. [1, 2]

If vaccinations were so effective in improving the health of children, why do the statistics not bear this out? In fact, the opposite has been shown to be true. Increasing vaccination rates are correlated with growth in diseases for our children. Continue reading

The Dangerous Expansion of Adult Vaccinations

The primary focus for disease prevention for adults, in this country, continues to be vaccinations and the development of new ones. However, vaccinations fail to prevent their targeted diseases and can cause other health problems, including death. [1]

Americans are currently facing a health epidemic with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and autoimmune disorder rates at an all-time high. Many of these diseases have actually been causally linked to vaccinations. [2, 3]

Currently, several vaccines are recommended for adults, but many more, which target some of these illnesses, are being developed for the future. In addition to new vaccines, new adjuvants are being studied, as well as needle-free vaccines.

What would a more expansive vaccination schedule mean for the health of American adults? It seems likely that more vaccines would equate with more health problems, not less. Continue reading

How Does Vaccinated Children’s Health Compare to Unvaccinated Children?

While there have been no official US government-sponsored studies comparing the health of vaccinated to unvaccinated children, several independently funded studies have been done in the US and overseas. The majority of these studies have been conducted abroad, but many involve American children.

What do these studies show? The research demonstrates conclusively that unvaccinated children enjoy far superior health when compared to those vaccinated. Unvaccinated children experience almost no incidence of autism, autoimmune disorders, asthma, allergies, diabetes and other common childhood diseases which have reached epidemic proportions in recent years. Continue reading

What You Need to Know to Protect Your Daughter from the Gardasil Vaccine Disaster

The HPV vaccine has proven to be a disaster. This vaccine, developed to protect young women from cervical cancer, has failed to provide protection. In fact, it has succeeded in doing the opposite by increasing cervical cancer rates in those vaccinated.

Reports of health damage caused by this vaccine are immense. The HPV vaccination has been linked with life-threatening autoimmune disorders, cancer, paralysis, infertility and death. In fact, several countries have opposed the vaccine, as evidenced through public warning or lawsuits.

A lead researcher of the vaccine has advised parents not to use it. One independent group of physicians has recently issued a warning against the vaccine. However, in spite of overwhelming evidence against this vaccine’s effectiveness and safety, US physicians continue to strongly recommend it for their patients. Continue reading

My Children are Vaccine Damaged; Are Yours?

I was raised like most Americans. Doctors were highly respected in my parents’ home and their authority on health matters was not questioned. My parents followed their physicians’ advice on healthcare and I was no different when raising my own children.

I was careful to follow the health and dietary recommendations when my children were young and I believed that vaccines would keep my children safe from disease.  In fact, I believed wholeheartedly that the more vaccines we had, the better protected my family would be. Out of love, I gave myself and my children every new vaccine available. I consulted with our physicians and with full trust followed their advice. Continue reading

The Healing Powers of Low Dose Naltrexone for Multiple Diseases

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALose dose naltrexone, an alternative use of the FDA approved drug naltrexone, has been proven to be a low cost, safe treatment for a wide range of illnesses. Impressive clinical case studies and research support the use of LDN to treat Multiple Sclerosis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Fybromyalgia, cancer and AIDs. The number of diseases successfully treated with LDN has grown substantially in the last several years, to include most neurological and nervous system disorders. Continue reading