Author Archives: Holistic Health to Go

Delicious Healthy Gluten-Free Sloppy Joe

Sloppy Joe’s are a popular tasty dish. I was recently inspired to try a home made healthier, gluten free version using nutrient dense ingredients. The nutritional profile of 100% grass fed beef is high. Pastured beef provides essential nutrients that other foods do not contain and is part of a healthy diet. Grass fed meat contain more omega 3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid, vitamins A and E compared to grain fed beef. These nutrients are considered anti- cancer and heart healthy.

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Successful Treatments for the Covid Virus

When Covid shut down the world in 2020 little was known about this virus in terms of its origins, mechanism of spreading or treatment. Soon many front line physicians were confronted with trying to heal very sick patients from this new, novel virus. Physicians fought bravely with the tools and training available to them at the time. However, many mistakes were made including sending patients home without trying to reduce their viral load with early interventions. Lesser known physicians were experiencing success with early aggressive treatments and were privately sought out by colleagues for advice. These treating physicians should have been widely praised and lauded for their saving of lives. Instead, they were often shunned and their success hidden, denied or distorted in various ways.

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Mouth Watering Gluten-Free Meatloaf

Mouth watering meatloaf is enjoyable at all times of the year. Meatloaf can easily be accompanied by a variety of vegetables and salads to make a complete meal. What most people don’t realize is that 100% grass fed organic red meat is a nutritional powerhouse, providing many essential nutrients not found in other foods. The source of the beef makes a huge difference in its nutritional profile. The following traditional meat loaf recipe is both mouth watering and healthy. It is sure to delight your taste buds, while also providing many important vitamins and nutrients to your body.

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Six Easy Ways to Detoxify for Improved Health

My new home near infrared sauna

Why Detoxing is Important

Recently reading health advocate Suzanne Somer’s best selling book Tox-sick increased my awareness of the critical importance of detoxification on a regular basis. Lack of adequate nutrients along with toxins are the underlying cause of most chronic life threatening diseases, including auto-immune diseases, cancer and heart disease.

With the daily onslaught of toxins, all of us can benefit from some detoxification on a routine basis. Our bodies absorb toxins from our food, water, air and skin. Even those of us who drink purified water and only eat primarily organic foods, inadvertently consume toxins.

The soil has been depleted of important vitamins due to farmers not putting back essential nutrients into our soils. Poisons like Glyphosate, sprayed on huge conventional farms around the country, contaminate organic fields of vegetables, fruit and pasture land. All conventional wheat in the US is now routinely sprayed with Glyphosate, making it important to consume only organic wheat breads. We all breathe the same outdoors air, which is contaminated from as far away as Japan and China. (1)(2)

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Delicious Beef Chili

With the cold winter weather and Super Bowl this weekend, it’s a great time to make a hot pot of healthy chili. Several weeks ago I scoured the internet for delicious, nutrient dense versions of a meat based chili recipe. I took the best of several recipes to make my own special chili, flavorful and spicy, made with healthy organic ingredients. I waited with anticipation for responses to the first bites and they were positive! Touchdown! I’m actually not personally a big football fan, but I do enjoy eating and now cooking my own favorite chili during the cooler months.

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Best Immune Boosters for Health

With the Corona virus shutting down many countries in 2020, individuals with health challenges have chosen to limit social contacts and shutter in. Health organizations have focused prevention on social distancing, hand washing and face mask wearing.

We have an immune system which has successfully fought off illnesses throughout history. The famous germ theory-terrain debate is what divides integrative medicine from more conventionally practiced medicine. Those in the terrain health camp know the immune system is the key to fighting all viruses and illness, including the most recent covid-19 virus. Continue reading

Simple Delicious Crock Pot Pastured Chicken and Soup Recipe


The last several months I have realized the importance of including healing broth in my diet on a regular basis. My chicken crock pot recipe with added apple cider vinegar, not only makes a delicious main meal of chicken, but also creates a delicious broth with lots of healing gelatin. The vinegar is the secret ingredient which guarantees a rich gelatin broth. I updated this blog tonight and included a simple soup recipe, along with details for preparing and storing the broth. Continue reading

The Vaccination that Never Should Have Been Approved

The HPV vaccination has caused tremendous health damage for young women and men worldwide. HPV vaccinations are responsible for debilitating auto-immune disorders, paralysis, cervical cancer, infertility, and death. [1]

Since Gardasil came on the market in 2006, over 450 deaths and 61,000 serious health injuries caused by the vaccination have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). [2]

More recent research has linked the HPV vaccination with growing polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), infertility and miscarriages in young women. [3-5]

In addition to the mounting evidence of the HPV vaccination’s destruction to our young people’s health, other disturbing findings and trends have recently surfaced. In the HPV’s vaccination safety testing, it has been highlighted that the vaccination contains untested high levels of neurotoxic aluminum, never before used in a vaccine. The safety testing of the HPV vaccination resulted in half of those tested experiencing significant disability and death. Continue reading

Delicious Paleo Gluten Free Crockpot Beef Stew

This beef stew is perfect for a cool night, but also delicious at other times of the year when a simple, one dish meal is desired. It requires some preparation in the morning or early afternoon, but then it cooks independently all day long, rewarding one with a hot delicious meal at the end of the day. It is Paleo, gluten free and nutrient dense, adhering to the principles of the Weston Price Foundation, a powerhouse of nutrient dense nutritional information. Hope you enjoy this as much as our family! Continue reading