Monthly Archives: April 2015

Yummy Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

225Mint chocolate chip ice cream is a favorite dessert in our house and super easy to make. Using an ice cream maker, one simply mixes the ingredients, pours them into the maker and in 30 minutes delicious home made ice cream is ready to enjoy. It can be fun to make with guests present, so they can witness the ice cream in the making. With high quality ingredients, this dessert can provide many added nutrients, including vitamins A, D and K2 from the cream. Continue reading

Delicious and Nutritious Deviled eggs

Deviled eggs are great for a brunch, appetizers, breakfast or snacks.  It is great as a changedeviled eggs of pace from hard boiled eggs. Deviled eggs can be grabbed as an easy to go food when in a hurry. My recipe below is quite simple, but delicious and nutritious. For years I was afraid of eggs with all of the misinformation about how cholesterol in eggs are so unhealthy. Now, I embrace eggs and eat as many as I like, both raw and cooked in different forms. Continue reading