Tag Archives: vaccine injuries

Is it Time for Your Flu Shot or Extra Nutrition?

January 2015 340It’s that time of year: flu season. Pharmacies are advertising their flu shots. Medical groups and physicians urge patients to get their vaccinations. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone get vaccinated, including newborns, pregnant women, children and the elderly.

Is there a better, safer way? What are the risks of the flu vaccine versus the relative benefits? It can be argued that improving nutrition during the winter months is a safer, more effective means to prevent flu and other respiratory illnesses. Continue reading

How to Protect Yourself if You are Force-Vaccinated

064Vaccinations have a strong history of causing damage to health. The very first vaccination for smallpox caused tremendous health damage, while also increasing the incidence of small pox. The damage caused by polio vaccinations continued this trend. Newer vaccinations continue to destroy health and even kill their recipients. [1]

While many are able to choose to refuse this dangerous medical procedure, others are threatened with refusal of entry in day care, schools, and universities if they remain unvaccinated. Others are forced to choose between employment or vaccinations. Pressure to vaccinate is especially strong for those employed by health care and the US military.

While the best option is to employ whatever exemptions may exist in your state, for many individuals, there appears to be no good escape route. This is a very sad state of affairs.

Individuals caught in this predicament may still choose to use health practices which will reduce the likelihood of vaccine health damage. Continue reading

Is Bill Gates a Humanitarian, Villain or Misguided Man?

Bill Gates, with his wife Melinda, started the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a charitable organization that has donated an estimated $28 billion to help address world health problems and educational needs. One of the programs supported by the foundation is a massive vaccination program targeting developing countries and resulting in serious injury and death to thousands of children. Continue reading

My Children are Vaccine Damaged; Are Yours?

I was raised like most Americans. Doctors were highly respected in my parents’ home and their authority on health matters was not questioned. My parents followed their physicians’ advice on healthcare and I was no different when raising my own children.

I was careful to follow the health and dietary recommendations when my children were young and I believed that vaccines would keep my children safe from disease.  In fact, I believed wholeheartedly that the more vaccines we had, the better protected my family would be. Out of love, I gave myself and my children every new vaccine available. I consulted with our physicians and with full trust followed their advice. Continue reading