Tag Archives: toxins

The True Causes of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Having a newborn baby can and should be a time of tremendous joy for parents. Most parents trust their pediatricians to provide them with guidance and care that is in the best interest of their infants and children. However, when it comes to preventing the tragedy of sudden infant death syndrome, most parents are left with worthless and dangerous advice from the experts, including recommendations to vaccinate, which can actually cause SIDS.

This current state of medical practice is both tragic and criminal. Pediatricians are not evil individuals, but they are greatly misinformed in their training and highly influenced by the pharmaceutical companies. [1] Continue reading

My Children are Vaccine Damaged; Are Yours?

I was raised like most Americans. Doctors were highly respected in my parents’ home and their authority on health matters was not questioned. My parents followed their physicians’ advice on healthcare and I was no different when raising my own children.

I was careful to follow the health and dietary recommendations when my children were young and I believed that vaccines would keep my children safe from disease.  In fact, I believed wholeheartedly that the more vaccines we had, the better protected my family would be. Out of love, I gave myself and my children every new vaccine available. I consulted with our physicians and with full trust followed their advice. Continue reading