Tag Archives: nutrient dense diets

Eat Fat, Lose Weight

November 19 2014 200The conventional wisdom recommending individuals decrease calories, increase exercise and then wait for the pounds to fall off is incorrect. A calorie is not a calorie. When one eats sugar or carbohydrates that quickly convert to sugar, fat is produced in the body. In contrast, if one eats healthy fats, the body feels more satiated and the fat eaten converts to energy. While reducing calories matters, the type of calories eaten is an important variable. Continue reading

Paleo and Weston Price diets Beat SAD diet for Nutrition

cover of Nutrition and Physical DegenerationSeveral diets compete for followers in the holistic medicine world. There are devotees of vegan, vegetarian, Paleo, primal, raw primal, fruitarians and Weston Price. The Paleo and Weston Price Diet are two popular and important real food movements that share primary values, but also diverge in significant areas. Both are arguably far superior to the SAD or standard American diet followed by most Americans. Continue reading